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To keep up to date with Emmanuel H Anthony's Facebook Live videos, simply click like on the Facebook Page .

Understanding and overcoming anxiety

Emmanuel H Anthony, human behavior expert shares in-depth advice on his research from working with hundreds of clients experiencing anxiety and how they empowered their lives in order to breakthrough past anxious states.

Living an inspiring life and understanding human values

Gain a profound insight into human values and the physiological and psychological impact of being authentic, while sharing your inspired vision. Learn the art of communicating as an inspired leader within different value systems.

Bipolar, the addiction to mono polar thinking

Every human being experiences varying degrees of emotional peaks and troughs throughout their lives, discover how you can balance out your extreme emotional states and increase your state of wellness, wellbeing, vitality and appreciation for life.

The real relationship begins when the honeymoon stage ends

Learn tools and resources that can better prepare you for the real relationship that begins once the honeymoon phase has ended.



The link between over eating, stress, emotions and imbalanced perceptions

There are many different ways to best manage your weight, stress levels,  wellness and wellbeing. Learn some of the common links between stress, over-eating, under-eating and how you can create a greater level of balance in your life.

Increasing your self worthiness

Learn simple and effective ways that you can increase your self-worth, appreciation for yourself and be more authentic. Discover powerful insights necessary for you to give yourself permission to play a bigger game in life.


Discussing overcoming PTSD

(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Get clear on the definition of PTSD and what options are available for you to overcome past emotionally charged events that occupy time and space within your psychology and physiology.


 How to achieve your goals

Goal setting goes far beyond merely 'setting a goal', true goal setters understand that their ability to acquire the goal will be directly proportionate to their level of planning and mental resilience. Gain powerful insights that can assist you to short cut your success and forsee future challenges.

Some insight and tips to more effective communication

Learn the human behavioural science that can better assist you to better understand yourself and others, human values and how you can more effectively and efficiently communicate.

Living from the heart

Learn the benefits of living a more authentic life and how you can move daily towards giving yourself permission to live from your heart.


Tips for overcoming parenting challenges? 

Listen to refreshing and insightful knowledge based on hundreds of cases from other parents on how you can bring a healthier altruistic to narcissistic balance to your parenting life.


How to set and achieve your goals

Goal setting goes far beyond merely 'setting a goal', true goal setters understand that their ability to acquire the goal will be directly proportionate to their level of planning and mental resilience. Gain powerful insights that can assist you to short cut your success and forsee future challenges.

A job vs a career

Discover the psychological and physiological effects and differences between a day-to-day job and an inspired career.


Communicating, selling and serving yourself and others

Learn about the art of selling, serving and creating fair exchange between yourself and those you desire to increase your communication pathways with.

Transitioning from a victim of your history to a true master of your destiny

See the role perceptions play in you transitioning through different states of empowerment and enlightenment in your life. Discover powerful tools and tips that will allow you move from a victim fo your history to a true master of your destiny. 

What is depression and how can you overcome it faster?

A look into different definitions of depression and understanding the root cause, as well as what aspects of depression we can learn to control and bring balance too with some practice.

The importance of letting go of past emotional baggage

Listen to powerful insights on how you create and hold onto past emotional baggage, as well as tips for overcoming and moving forward faster.


The importance of not losing yourself in a relationship

Gain insightful and powerful tips towards keeping an equilibrated and balanced relationship life that allows you to be truly authentic and uncompromisingly you.

Overcoming a divorce

Insight on human behaviour in relationship to divorce from Emmanuel's research working on hundreds of relationship cases, alongside, tips and insights on how you can bring yourself back to a state of balance whether you're going through a divorce or you've experienced a divorce within your family or personally.

What it takes to live an inspired life

Gain basic tips, tools and resources for living a more fulfilling, inspired and purposeful life in all areas.

Drugs aren't always the problem

Learn insights into why Emmanuel has found that clients utilise drugs as a pleasure strategy to avoid extreme pains.

What it takes to be an inspired visionary leader

Discover useful tips to increasing your leadership and visionary potential.

Love or hate your relationships, you're in the right relationship for what you require to unlock your maximum potential!

Discover the different relationship dynamics we experience and how you can increase the levels of equilibrium, equanimity and appreciation in your valued relationships.

The challenge that comes from being overly altruistic

Dissolve the 'always be nice' myth and discover how you can create more meaningful, equilibrated exchanges with others. In turn increasing self-worth, dissolving resentment and the feeling of being constantly used.

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